Detection of high voltage overhead electric lines

Adaptation for industrial sector
Detection for high voltage overhead electric lines

Adaptation for agricultural sector
Detection for high voltage overhead electric lines

Adaptation for aerial means of firemen
Detection for high voltage overhead electric lines

Adaptation for civil engineering sector
Detection for high voltage overhead electric lines

Adaptation for bulding trade sector
Detection for high voltage overhead electric lines


French made

Designer and manufacturer of devices to detect overhead electric lines

With its experience and its know-how, company JMJ TECHNOLOGIE is specialised, since 1997, in design,industrialization and marketing of products for embedded electronic field.

Devices were studied for prevention of electric risks link to vehicles equiped with a metallic boom liable to touch accidentally a "high voltage" overhead electric line.

The reliability of a system adapted to safety demands. An assistant driving.

Company JMJ TECHNOLOGIE developed a range of devices DECTRO, power lines overhead electric lines and develop its systems to be in accordance with needs of market. Products of this range are designed for embedded electronic and correspond with specifications of vehicles.

DECTRO is a registered trademark and a french manufacturing. 

Company JMJ TECHNOLOGIE don't be responsible of every damage direct or indirect, and recall that system is a mean of warning wich doesn't shield the user to the safety orders (décret 2008-244 du 7 Mars 2008 - obligations du code du travail - article R 4534-108).

Dectro 500-N1

Solution to detect overhead electric lines

Dectro 500-N1

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